It’s official…I HATE Mondays!!

So why is Monday such a hard day?  It should be obvious.  It’s the first day after the weekend!  Mondays never really use to bother me but man when that alarm clock went off this morning it was all I could do not the grumble.  Wait… I did grumble as I hit the snooze button. Maybe Mondays are more difficult because I have such a long weekend.  Maybe I don’t like them because it is my day off from my job(at the dental office) and I just want to be able to sleep in if I want to.  But NO somebody has to get up to get the kids off to school.  It’s my own fault really.  I could teach my children to get themselves off to school.  That would be a total disaster!  Besides there is no way they would just do things quitely and let me sleep, so I would be up anyway.  I love my kids and I love my role as a mother but somedays I just want to be selfish and sleep until I feel like getting up and not be a slave to my alarm clock!!  On the bright side the sun is shining and it is a new day full of opportunities!  Here’s to Monday everyone!

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